Kamis, 17 November 2011

Soul for DAD* By Comfortable..

I know this story like, ridicule..^^
But this true, DAD permit i feel this moment..
Praise The Lord, yesterday 16Nov'11..
DAD make, HIS and my dream come true*...
One person, who's DAD Love and care, i tell like that, when i first time look 'that friend'... Not for long time, i understand and can feeling DAD care to that friend..to be NEAR more close and familiar with DAD... Althought first time i don't understand..

Praise The Lord, last night HIS take that friend..
come together to 'DAD Hug' Praise and Worship in HIS Presence.. Praise The Lord!!! Haleluyah...
Softly..so comfortable DAD doing that...
not by my time, even i ever try to take that friend...
But like DAD way... "Beautiful in HIS time*"... Praise The Lord!!
Thank You DADDY...Thank You for permit me...for believe me..
Praise The Lord.. I can see how DADDY love him...so lovely.. By DADDD Way..by DADDY time... So Lovely...
And i can see front of my eyes...how DADDY Lead that friend...to come so tender, like Lovely child come to that friend DADDY, of course must like that, cause that The Truth!...Amien...Praise The LORD!!! LOVE U DADDY!!..****

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